How To Lodge An Appeal For SASSA SRD R350 Grant Online? – All You Need to Know

For South Africans, the SASSA appeal system is an off-chance option for every man and his dog who want to apply for SRD grant but the application was rejected. In fact, you 100% meet the eligibility criteria for SRD grant but your grant application is rejected without any reasons. 

sassa appeal

In this situation, you’ve right to SASSA appeal status check in 2024 for making your grant approved. So let your hair down, here is a detailed guide for beginners who don’t know how to SASSA appeal online for free. Please look over the complete instruction and make your mind swift:

SASSA Appeal Process in 2024

With the help of the SASSA online system, you’ll submit your SASSA appeal grant in 2024 because this is a convenient way to apply without visiting the SASSA office. So, if the SASSA office is near your hours, you should visit the office and directly apply for the SASSA appeal. 

On the other hand, if you’re old, disabled, and your office is far from your house, then you should follow the steps below and make your day happy as a Larry:

Step 1: If you are ready for the SASSA appeal, visit the official website by clicking this link:

Step 2: After visiting the appeal page, you will see two tabs where you can enter your registered ID number and mobile number. Then, click “SEND PIN” and wait for an SASSA pin to be processed further.

Step 3: After that, you will see an SMS from SASSA, and then enter your required PIN for mobile number registration.

Step 4: Once your cell number is registered, you’ll see the appeal section, then find the roads of all the months and select the month in which you want to make a SASSA grant appeal in 2024.

Step 5: After that, you need to verify your eligibility criteria for SRD grants or other types of SASSA grants. At this time, you need to attach all essential documents, including identity documents, residential proof, the last six months’ bank statements, and other supporting documents you submitted for the SASSA grant.
Step 6: After attaching all vital documents then, click on the submit button. Once you submit your SASSA appeal, you need to wait 60 to 90 days for the outcome of the SASSA decision and then visit SASSA to check status of your grant.

Eligibility Criteria for SRD R350 Grant

Understanding SASSA’s SRD grant eligibility criteria is necessary for determining whether you qualify for the R350 grant. Your application will be better understood after reading this. The following criteria must be met:

  • The SRD grant program is only open to South African citizens and permanent residents of South Africa.
  • The applicant must live in South Africa at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 60.
  • The SRD R350 grant is not available to applicants receiving UIFs (Unemployment Insurance Funds) as part of their employment.
  • A complete and authentic range of information is required during the application process, including a personal ID number with 13 digits, a mobile phone number, and a bank account number.
  • There must be no means of providing for oneself and one’s family, and the applicant cannot receive government assistance, social assistance, or unemployment compensation.
  • If an applicant’s earnings exceed R624 per month, the application will be denied due to exceeding the criteria for the means test.
  • A DHA (Department of Home Affairs) determination of the applicant’s death will also cancel the application. SASSA members meeting the above eligibility criteria can apply for the SASSA SRD grant. It is possible to appeal the SASSA SRD grant application denial if you feel there has been no discrimination in the application process.

SRD Appeal Declination Reasons

Your appeal may be rejected for a variety of reasons. If your appeal is denied, you will receive the following message:

Existing SASSA Grant 2024: If you receive existing_sassa_grant, it means you are already eligible for other types of grants, including old age, disability grants, child support grants, in-aid grants, foster child grants, and care dependency grants. Therefore, you can’t get a SASSA SRD grant because you’re ineligible for this grant.

Identity Verification Failed: When submitting the SASSA appeal if your personal information doesn’t match the existing records, you’ll receive an identity_verification_failed error. Again, You must submit a SASSA appeal with information that fits this situation. So don’t be pear-shaped; provide your actual data and approve your grant.

UIF Registered: If you are eligible for unemployment insurance, then SASSA will automatically reject your SRD grant appeal again, and you will receive a uif_registered message. Because the SASSA appeal examines your financial assistance.

Nsfas Registered: During the SASSA examination process, if they find your National Student Financial Aid Schemes during reconsideration time, you get an Nsfas_registered message. But if you don’t have any financial support, then SASSA will approve your SASSA R350 grant, which will make your day over the moon.

Government Payroll Reconsideration: For those South Africans who are government employees or are working in government institutions at this time, you will get a gov_payrol_registerd message during the reconsideration period.
Age Outside Range: According to the SASSA appeal rule, if you’re age 60+, then you’ll be rejected during the reconsideration process because SRD R350 accepts under 60. For that reason, you get an age_outside_range message. On the other hand, if you are 18, you are still rejected during the reconsideration period in 2024.

What Exactly SASSA Appeal?

With the help of the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA), you can approve your rejected grant. ITSAA introduced the SASSA appeal process for those South Africans who can get their SRD Grant required but adequately meet the eligibility criteria in 2024. So, if you apply for an appeal grant, you must wait two to three months maximum for a confirmation message. 

In this reconsideration period, the SASSA team will adequately examine your grant eligibility with personal information and confirm it on multiple platforms. That’s why the SASSA appeal required 60 to 90 days maximum. After that, SASSA will overturn their decision and remove grant rejections, and then you’ll automatically be eligible for the SRD SASSA grant. During this process, you must visit the SASSA Check Status website daily and enter your registered ID and Cell numbers. If you request approval, you’ll receive your payment dates in 2024.


Within 90 days of receiving the decision, you have the right to appeal it. Non-compliance with these guidelines will prevent you from appealing your decision

SASSA is not handling the appeal in this case, but ITSAA is. If an appeal is filed with ITSAA, it may take between 60 and 90 days for it to be processed. It may take longer for them to process applications if there are many.

ITSAA may deny an appeal if an applicant fails to meet the appeal eligibility requirements.

To Conclude 

In conclusion, you have the right to appeal an SASSA SRD R350 Grant rejection if you feel it is unfairly denied. Follow the online appeal process after verifying the SASSA portal is accurate. A judicial review in the High Court is the last resort if your appeal has been rejected. Inquiries about appeals can be directed to the Department of Social Development or ITSAA using the following details. You can contact your nearest SASSA office with questions about SASSA grants.

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