SASSA Payment Dates for April 2024

There is no need to wait any longer because the SASSA payment date for April is this week, and the payments will start on Wednesday, April 3rd. I know if you are South African and you depend upon South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) grants, then you will be waiting for the SASSA payday every month. So there is no need to wait because the payment date for April has arrived.

sassa payment dates for april 2024

This article will provide the exact schedule for every type of SASSA SRD grant and their actual dates. Keep reading for all SASSA dates.

SASSA payment dates depend upon a specific type of grant, such as Old Age Pensions, Disability Grants, Child Support, and other grants, as well as the mode of payment, whether through banks, merchants, or cash. SASSA SRD payments are always on time and without disturbance.

Below is an overview of the payment dates for April 2024:

Disability Grant Payment Date

Beneficiaries of Disability Grant will receive their grant on  4th April, 2024.

Old Age Grant Payment Date

Individuals of Old Age Grant will receive their payment on 3rd April, 2024.

The beneficiaries of the Child Support Grant will get their payment on 5th April, 2024.

Social Relief of Distress beneficiaries will receive their grant between 25 April 2024 and 29 April 2024. They must check their SASSA status every day to stay updated about their SRD grant.

The payment dates are fixed, and they don’t change except under unfortunate circumstances or on a public holiday. These circumstances are not common, but if they happen, the payment schedule will occur one day earlier or late, and the payments will be received on time by every person.

SASSA increased grants in April 2024 from last month amounts are written below:

Old Age GrantR2,180
Old Age Grant (Above 75)R2,200
Disability GrantR2,180
War Veterans R2,200
Care Dependency GrantR2,180
Child Support GrantR530
SRD R350 GrantR350
SASSA Contact For Enquires

SASSA always tries to deliver payments on schedule time, but a few circumstances cause the grant delay. These circumstances happen a few times and are the following:

  • Holidays: If there is a holiday at the time of payment dates, SASSA will reschedule them. SASSA carefully considers all public holidays and then reschedules payment dates.
  • Weekends: If the SASSA payments fall on the weekends, then SASSA proceeds the following day.
  • Change in Administration:  Grant Payments will change if there is any change in administration. However, SASSA keeps these changes to a minimum as much as possible.

To sum up, SASSA has shared the payment dates for April 2024 so that people know when they will get their grant this month. Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances may delay payments, but these delays are not expected. Monitoring their SASSA status to stay informed about any changes is a good idea.

You will be getting a grant payment on 3rd April 2024.

Don’t worry. Sometimes, payments get late because of holidays or other unfortunate circumstances. Check your SASSA status regularly.

Keep checking your SASSA status. If there are any changes to your payment date, you’ll see them. Always check again and again so you will stay updated.

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